Whispering Mountains: A Kickstarter Campaign

Whispering Mountains: The Living Presence of the Jonang is a feature-length documentary in production that tells the story of the Jonang, capturing on film for the first time this distinct tradition of Buddhism that was thought by many to be lost, but is now appearing to the world outside of its remote enclaves in far eastern Tibet. The film narrates the history of the Jonang Buddhist tradition, from their settling in central Tibet in the thirteenth century to their migration across the plateau and resettling in eastern Tibet from the mid-seventeenth century onwards up to the present-day.

**ENDS JULY 15 AT 5:14PM EDT**


We will share rare footage of this living tradition, its monastic and pilgrimage sites, art and artifacts, interviews with elder Jonang meditation masters, and discussions with scholars. Special attention will be given to their unique spiritual heritage as knowledge-holders of the Kalachakra Tantra and zhentong meditative view.

While the breadth of content we wish to cover may require more than the film shooting this summer, the construction of our documentary will begin immediately upon our return from the field, and updates of its progress shared liberally with our supporters (that’s you!). The final production of this documentary, set to be a feature-length 90-120 minutes, will be distributed through film festivals and to universities.

Your contribution goes towards travel costs, which includes a plane ticket, as well as on-the-ground transportation, etc. There has been so much support poured into this project already — all we need is the last little bit to get us there!

Any funding that exceeds the initial minimum will go towards additional camera gear, post-production costs, and future filming in the field.

Blog Category: Community News