New Texts and Catalog of the Dolpopa Collection
An annotated listing of each Tibetan title in the 2011 edition of Dolpopa’s Collected Writings is attached below, including a list of the thirteen titles that are not included in either of the Dzamthang editions.
In compiling this, the source statement for each text was translated and included. This indicates whether the particular text is based primarily on newly available sources or solely on the Dzamthang blockprint edition, which is in turn based primarily on the Dzamthang manuscript edition. The Dzamthang manuscript edition did not become available to the outside world until 1992. The Dzamthang blockprint edition followed several years later. The 2011 edition is additionally able to draw upon sources that became available even more recently. These are old texts that were sealed away in the Nechu Temple at Drepung Monastery since the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama (1617-1682). Also used occasionally were old texts from Dzago, and a few others. Approximately half of the content of the 2011 edition is based primarily on these older sources.
All of Dolpopa’s writings that are found in the Dzamthang editions are included in the 2011 edition. Further, the thirty-two part biography of Dolpopa that includes his past lives, written by his disciple Kunpang Chodrak Zangpo is found in all three editions. The Dzamthang blockprint edition, however, includes three additional biographical texts on Dolpopa that are not found in the 2011 edition or in the Dzamthang manuscript edition.
The 2011 edition includes thirteen newly found texts that are not found in the Dzamthang editions. These comprise volume 13. This is stated by the editors in the introductory material given in volume 01, after saying that the Dzamthang blockprint edition in eight volumes contains about 200 texts.[1] The introductory material is dated in two places, both giving 2007, although all of the volumes are dated 2011, and they did not become available until 2013. So at the time this edition was prepared, 2007 or before, these thirteen newly found texts could well be described as newly found. However, the two largest of these, Dolpopa’s annotated edition of Maitreya’s Uttaratantra and Asaṅga’s commentary thereon, and Dolpopa’s abbreviated meaning of the Kālacakra Tantra commentary, were published in 2007 and 2008 in the Jonang Publication Series. Moreover, Michael Sheehy has noted that some of the other eleven were previously published in the one volume of The Collected Works of Dolpopa that was published from Bhutan in 1984. This volume was apparently not used by the editors of the new edition.
The thirteen texts published in volume 13 as newly found are listed below. When any of these texts were published elsewhere, the references have been added. Some texts with similar titles, found in the Dzamthang editions, have also been noted. The source statements of these thirteen texts may be seen in the attached catalogue listing.
1. theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma’i bstan bcos kyi rnam par bshad pa thogs med kyis mdzad pa. Annotated edition of Maitreya’s Uttaratantra and Asaṅga’s commentary thereon, pp. 1-188. Previously published in the Jonang Publication Series, vol. 2, Rgyud bla’i ṭīkka, 2007, pp. 1-128.
2. dpal ldan dus ‘khor rgyud ‘grel gyi// bsdus don yongs ‘du lta bu. Abbreviated meaning of the Kalacakra Tantra commentary, pp. 189-264. Previously published in the Jonang Publication Series, vol. 17, Dus ’khor rgyud mchan by Chokle Namgyal, 2008, pp. 227-283. A manuscript of this in cursive script was reproduced in Dus ’khor ’grel mchan phyogs bsgrigs, vol. 1 {11} (1/7/2), 2007, pp. 487-539.
3. dus ‘khor gyi lha ‘dabs ‘ga’, pp. 265-291.
4. kun gzhi’i rab tu dbye ba khyad ‘phags, pp. 292-308. A a considerably longer work than kun gzhi rab dbye that is found in the Dzamthang editions, and found in the new edition, vol. 7, pp. 159-161 (kun gzhi’i rab tu dbye ba). This longer work is found in the 1984 Bhutan volume, pp. 105-130.
5. stong nyid kyi rab tu dbye ba, pp. 309-314. A considerably shorter work than stong nyid kyi rab tu dbye ba khyad ‘phags that is found in the Dzamthang editions (and in the 1984 Bhutan volume), and found in the new edition, vol. 7, pp. 162-177.
6. don dam dbyings rig dbyer med la bstod pa, pp. 315-321. Found in the 1984 Bhutan volume, pp. 480-489.
7. dpal phyag rgya chen po la bstod cing phyag ‘tshal ba rin chen ‘byung gnas, pp. 322-325. Found in the 1984 Bhutan volume, pp. 490-495.
8. mdo rgyud zab mo kun gyi spyi ‘grel, pp. 326-329. Different from bka’ mdo rgyud zab mo kun gyi spyi ‘grel that is found in the Dzamthang editions, and found in the new edition, vol. 7, pp. 243-244.
9. slob dpon blo gros seng ge’i dris lan, pp. 330-343.
10. gsol ‘debs kyi rgyal po, pp. 344-346.
11. spang blang gi chos ngos bzung ba sogs, pp. 347-349.
12. sku ‘bum chen po grub dus btab pa’i smon lam, pp. 350-352. Found in the 1984 Bhutan volume, pp. 462-466.
13. lo gsar pa bkra shis par byed pa’i thabs gsum pa, pp. 353-354. A third version among two other versions of this title that are found in the Dzamthang editions, and found in the new edition, vol. 12, pp. 336-338 and 339-341.
Download the Dolpopa Collected Writings Catalogue.pdf.
This is a follow-up to the post, Dolpopa’s Collected Writings New Edition. Contributed by David Reigle.
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1. See page 06 where it reads, “da lan yang nged dpal brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib ‘jug khang gis gsar rnyed kyi chos tshan 13 bsnan te/ deb grangs bcu gsum du bgos nas/.