Jonang Publication Series II

The Jonang Publication Series (Jo nang dpe tshogs) is an annual series dedicated to making select sutra and tantra works available from all genres of the Jonang literary tradition. Each Tibetan text in this series of important Buddhist classics was chosen from the corpus of Jonang Tibetan Buddhist literature to reflect the contemporary scholastic curriculum within Jonang monasteries inside Tibet. Texts were carefully input for publication from rare manuscripts by Jonang scholars and monks as part of this ongoing project.

These Jonang books were selected and edited under The Jonang Standing Council in association with Jonang Foundation, and are being made available for purchase here.

See also the Notes on Jonang Series II.

The second set of 11 books (vols. 11-21) published as part of this series are:

11. ‘Dul ba bdud rtsi’i nying khu, by Tshal Minpa Sonam Zangpo.
A collection of works by one of Dolpopa’s main disciples on subjects including philosophy, ethics, history, and tantric practice. Previously unpublished.
12. Spyod ‘jug sa ‘grel, by Sazang Mati Panchen.
Commentary by one of Dolpopa’s main disciples on the famed Mahayana treatise on bodhicitta, the Bodhicaryavatara by the Indian scholar Shantideva.
13. Rgyud bla sa ‘grel, by Sazang Mati Panchen.
Commentary on the Uttaratantra by one of Dolpopa’s primary disciples. Previously unpublished.
14. Sa bzang gsung ‘thor, by Sazang Mati Panchen.
Miscellaneous writings by a preeminent scholar of the Jonang tradition on various topics primarily concerned with the Kalachakra and tantric practice. Previously unpublished.
15. Rgyud bla’i ‘grel ba, by Zhangton Sonam Drakpa.
Commentary on the Uttaratantra by one of Dolpopa’s primary disciples. Previously unpublished.
16. Jo nang lo tshA’i gsung ‘thor, by Lotsawa Lodro Pal.
Miscellaneous writings by Jonang Lotsawa, one of Dolpopa’s main disciples, on numerous subjects concerning Mahayana philosophy and the Kalachakra. Previously unpublished.
17-20. Dus ‘khor mchan ‘grel, Chogle Namgyal. (4 volumes)
This is the famed annotated commentary on the root verses and main Vimalaprabha commentary on the Kalachakra Tantra by Chogle Namgyal, one of Dolpopa’s closest disciples.
21. Gzhi lam ‘bras bu’i ngo sprod, by Chogle Namgyal.
Writings on the ground, path, and fruition of tantric practice according to the Jonang Kalachakra system. Previously unpublished.
Order all 11 books for $275

*All prices include international shipping costs from China. Payments are made via secure online credit card transactions with PayPal; Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. In order to make a payment with a check or money-order, please contact us at: [email protected]. There are no refunds.

**Works in this series are in the Tibetan language, in printed Tibetan script (dbu can). Each volume is in bound paperback book form and was printed by Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, People’s Publishing House, Beijing. This set of Jonang books is in “The Quintessence of Tibetan Cultural Series: The Jonang Series, Tibetan Buddhism” (ISBN: 978-7-105-08168-4, etc.).

***Proceeds from all sales in the Jonang Foundation Shop go directly to funding our ongoing education and cultural heritage preservation projects. Thank you for your support!

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