Jonang Monks in Moscow, Russia
29.09.13 (Sunday)
12.00–13.00 The opening ceremony of the event. Ritual of purification of the space.
13.00–16.00 Start the construction of the Kalachakra mandala.
16.00–17.00 Lecture of Lama Yonten Gialtso about Kalachakra Tantra and Jonang tradition.
17.30–18.00 Kalachakra ritual dance (Cham mystery).
18.00–19.00 Chod empowerment by Lama Yonten Gialtso.
30.09.13 (Monday)
12.00–12.30 Mahakala ritual to remove obstacles.
12.30–19.00 The construction of the Kalachakra mandala.
19.00–21.00 Seminar on Tibetan astrology (consultations, questions and answers).
01.10.13 (Tuesday)
12.00–12.30 21 Tara ritual for protection from fears, obstacles and challenges.
12.30–19.00 The construction of the Kalachakra mandala.
19.00–21.00 Rituals to attract good luck (Temberma). Prayers good wishes (Tasha).
02.10.13 (Wednesday)
12.00–12.30 Yangyk ritual to attract good fortune and wealth, as well as energy balance.
12.30–19.00 The construction of the Kalachakra mandala.
19.00–21.00 Empowerment of dakini Simkhamukha by Lama Yonten Gialtso.
03.10.13 (Thursday)
12.00–12.30 The ritual of the Medicine Buddha to promote health and care of patients.
12.30–19.00 The construction of the Kalachakra mandala.
19.00–21.00 Empowerment of Buddha Amitayus by Lama Yonten Gialtso.
04.10.13 (Friday)
12.00–12.30 Sergim ritual (offerings to the Defenders).
12.30–19.00 The completion of the mandala construction.
19.00–21.00 Consecration of the mandala. Kalachakra ritual dance. Ritual offering of Tsog.
05.10.13 (Saturday)
12.00–12.30 The ritual of the four cardinal points.
13.00–18.00 Contemplation of the mandala. Committing circumambulate the mandala.
18.00–20.00 Empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara by Lama Yonten Gialtso.
06.10.13 (Sunday)
12.00–12.30 The rituals and prayers to be reborn in Shambhala.
13.00–15.00 Contemplation of the mandala. Committing circumambulate the mandala.
15.00–16.00 The ritual of the nine deities of Kalachakra.
17.00–19.00 Blessing (Jenang) of Kalachakra by Lama Yonten Gialtso.
19.00–20.00 The ritual of mandala destruction. Distribution of sand.
Participation conditions
The entrance fee to the mandala – 200 rubles.
The cost of participation during initiations – 700 rubles.
Center “Shambala”: st. Marxistskaya, 9 (or st. Abelmanovskaya, 8, the building is on the corner).
Phone: 8 (495) 670-23-50
E-mail: [email protected]
By feet: subway station Proletarskaya, 1-st car from the center, from the glass doors go to the farthest left out of the subway, exit to the street to the right, then go to the cafe “Kroshka-kartoshka”, then diagonally across the intersection to gray-purple building (sign on the corner “Shambala”).
Buddhist monks of Jonang tradition: initiations and rituals in Moscow from 21.09 to 28.09 2013
21.09.13 Hayagriva initiation
Hayagriva (“He who has the horse’s neck”) is a wrathful aspect of Buddha Amitabha, the manifestation of Padma Heruka and Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. Hayagriva practice traditionally performed to overcome obstacles, elimination of unwholesome energy and develop of active compassion.
Jonang monks spend rituals of involving power and remove obstacles.
Lama Yonten Gialtso spends initiation. Time: from 16.00 to 19.00.
22.09.13 Mahakala initiation
Mahakala (“The Great Black”) is a Yidam, and protector of Buddha’s teaching. Mahakala is depicted in dark blue or black color, he has a menacing look. Mahakala practice helps to contain malicious energy and throw away the obstacles on the spiritual path.
Jonang monks spend rituals.
Lama Yonten Gialtso spends initiation. Time: from 15.00 to 18.00.
24.09.13 Vadzhravega initiation
Vadzhravega (“Dorje Shug”) is a wrathful form of Kalachakra. It is dark blue with four angry faces, 26 arms and two legs. Practice of Vadzhravega used in tantric meditation of Kalachakra to determine the scope of protection during stages of Kalachakra practice.
Jonang monks spend 21 Tara ritual and Chod ritual.
Lama Yonten Gialtso spends initiation. Time: from 19.00 to 21.00.
25.09.13 Vajrapani initiation
Vajrapani (“The hand holding a vajra”) – an angry bodhisattva, personification of force, eliminating obstacles to enlightenment. Vajrapani is a manifestation of the Buddha Akshobhya and symbolizes the vajra mind. The practice of Vajrapani gives strength and power to good deeds.
Jonang monks spend involving the power rituals.
Lama Yonten Gialtso spends initiation. Time: from 19.00 to 21.00.
27.09.13 Yamantaka initiation
Yamantaka (“Killer of Yama”) – wrathful form of Manjushri, symbolizes wisdom, which subjugates death. Yamantaka Practice helps with severe diseases, critical situations, can even save the life. Provides protection from the dark forces, the dangers of the harmful spirits.
Jonang monks spend remove obstacles rituals.
Lama Yonten Gialtso spends initiation. Time: from 19.00 to 21.00.
28.09.13 Initiation of five Dzambalas
Five Dzambalas. Yellow Dzambala – Ratnasambhava emanation, his practice increases well-being. White Dzambala – an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, his practice eliminates suffering. Red Dzambala – the emanation of Vajrasattva, his practice purifies karma. Black Dzambala – Akshobhya emanation, his practice grants wishes. Green Dzambala – as an emanation of Akshobhya, he protects against the negative practices.
Jonang monks spend rituals of attracting wealth and good fortune.
Lama Yonten Gialtso spends initiation. Time: from 16.00 to 19.00.
Making tormas
Monks of Jonang tradition will train tormas production (butter sculptures, which are used for offerings), will train to play the ritual Buddhist instruments and perform tantric rituals for everyone in the days of initiations in the center “Shambala” (on weekends from 12.00 to 15.00 and on weekdays from 12.00 to 18.00) . Pre-registration at the reception center “Shambala” on the telephone number (8 (495) 670-23-50)
Participation conditions
The cost of participation during initiations – 700 rubles.
Center “Shambala”: st. Marxistskaya, 9 (or st. Abelmanovskaya, 8, the building is on the corner).
Phone: 8 (495) 670-23-50
E-mail: [email protected]
By feet: subway station Proletarskaya, 1-st car from the center, from the glass doors go to the farthest left out of the subway, exit to the street to the right, then go to the cafe “Kroshka-kartoshka”, then diagonally across the intersection to gray-purple building (sign on the corner “Shambala”).
Lama Yonten Gialtso
Organizer of events
Center “Jonangpa”: Moscow, st. Okruzhnoy proezd, 16 (subway station Partizanskaya)
More information about the programme, Jonang tradition, Lama, and so on you can find on the site:
To participate in the initiations necessary to register by e-mail: [email protected]. Phones of organizers:
8 (915) 096-53-43 (Dmitry),
8 (906) 725-51-51 (Maxim).
See also,